Migrating Back to You
by Samuel J Alibrando Haven't been blogging much for awhile, so consider this my "migration" back to you. Really, Have You Thought About...
Octopus-James Bond of Nature
See an octopus open a jar from the inside. Watch an Octopus change color and shape while moving like a poisonous snake. With rectangular pup
Really New Thinking
Every single organism that invents a new feature not previously enjoyed, would have to be capable of creative, conceptual thinking with a gr
Worldwide Watering Wonder
The ocean is 70% of earth's surface but much deeper than the surface. Our land mass has life due to the ingenuity of evaporation, clouds
Does A Seed Die?
Children ask some of the deepest and best questions, and many of our own best questions come from a willingness to ask with child-like...
I Wish I Wish ... Regeneration
We don’t know how to grow the things with which we are endowed in our mother’s womb, but the wisdom exists in sharks, lizards, octopus and m
The Idea of a Tree
I admit there was something deeply therapeutic as a child to walk in the forest in Pinewood, New Jersey. I did it so often, I said I...
Sometimes, We Can Feel the Truth
There are universals in life that bypass and transcend what we might think we know.
Who Put Brains in the Eggs?
It may be a confusing name for a bird, but the name is Killdeer and it is a cute little bird with some fascinating traits. Both dad and...
If It is Code, It is Communication
Decoding DNA is like trying to decipher alien language except DNA coding is fantastically more complicated than any language.