The Idea of a Tree
I admit there was something deeply therapeutic as a child to walk in the forest in Pinewood, New Jersey. I did it so often, I said I...
Who Put Brains in the Eggs?
It may be a confusing name for a bird, but the name is Killdeer and it is a cute little bird with some fascinating traits. Both dad and...
If It is Code, It is Communication
Decoding DNA is like trying to decipher alien language except DNA coding is fantastically more complicated than any language.
Brains to Build a Box
Try to make your own box. It's not as easy as you might think.
A supersonic jet is a much bigger DIY project to build, however the ideas
Reverse Engineering Nature
Reverse engineering an eyeball would be great since we have plenty of samples but the design is too advanced for us to copy. From the ebook
Bigger than Front Page News
What front page news has ever existed reporting anything more important than what all of nature on earth and in the stars tell us?
Who Can Make a Bird?
The more I study nature, the more impressed I am. Instead of feeling older, the real wonders in nature make me feel like a kid. Every...
More than One Way (Entomology)
Nature constantly shows us there is more than one way to do things: -The Katydid bug can hear, but through its hind legs. -A butterfly...