Instincts Smarter than All of Us
We kind of have instincts. When we behave without thinking, such as blinking our eyes when a fast moving object approaches, or grabbing...
Octopus-James Bond of Nature
See an octopus open a jar from the inside. Watch an Octopus change color and shape while moving like a poisonous snake. With rectangular pup
Really New Thinking
Every single organism that invents a new feature not previously enjoyed, would have to be capable of creative, conceptual thinking with a gr
Car Seeds - Baby Cars
The average number of parts on a car is 30,000 including the screws and bolts ... the total sum of parts for a human body is about 37 trilli
Eyes as Brain Extensions
Inspiration for Inventions So many inventions have been inspired by nature, but do you know how much our eyes have inspired photographic...
If It is Code, It is Communication
Decoding DNA is like trying to decipher alien language except DNA coding is fantastically more complicated than any language.
Giraffe Tongue (Zoology)
The tallest mammal in the world is the giraffe. A giraffe cannot swim. It doesn’t have vocal chords. It has the highest blood pressure of...
Caterpillar DNA to Butterfly (Enzymology)
A butterfly, as you all know, is from a caterpillar. One with many feet and legs, hairy, kind of a worm with legs. It goes into a cocoon...